Episode 33

Published on:

16th Jan 2024

Talking Racism, Activism, And Change With Jane Elliott

Jane Elliott, one of the nation’s most renowned Antiracism Educators, is back for another insightful episode of Communicate Like You Give A Damn with Kim Clark. Jane is further sharing her insights from over 50 years of dedicated work of unraveling the complexities of racism in our country. From the unique American perspective of labeling oneself as just "American" to the challenges of dismantling systemic racism, Jane passionately advocates for refusing to tolerate discrimination and actively challenging discriminatory practices. She even shares her personal stories, including her husband's struggles in a racially divided community and the impactful actions of individuals like Anna Mae Williams, while highlighting the transformative power of one person in affecting change. Jane inspires listeners to communicate with empathy, take a stand against racism, and recognize the profound impact even one person can have in shaping a more inclusive and just society.

About The Guest:

It won't help much to be prepared to face Jane Elliott. This elderly woman will tear down any shield. Even we, the spectators in BLUE EYED, can't get rid of this feeling of uneasiness, embarrassment, anxiety and utterly helpless hatred when she starts keeping people down, humiliating them, deriding them, incapacitating them. No doubt about this: for three quarters of the time in this documentation Jane Elliott is the meanest, the lowest, the most detestful, the most hypocritical human being hell has ever spit back on earth. But she should be an example for all of us.

Find Jane Here:


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About the Podcast

Communicate Like You Give A Damn
Welcome to Communicate Like You Give A Damn, where we dive deep into the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and explore how communicators can effectively incorporate these principles into their strategies. We firmly believe that by positioning our companies well on social justice topics and adopting a DEI lens, we play a crucial role in the success of DEI initiatives within our organizations.

Your host, Kim Clark is not only a dynamic speaker and consultant but also a co-author of the Amazon number one bestseller, "The Conscious Communicator: The Fine Art of Not Saying Stupid Shit." While the title may make you think there will be plenty of swearing, it actually reflects our passion for helping communicators understand and apply diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles in their daily work.

Language, communication, engagement, and a compelling vision are the foundation of DEI, and that's what we'll be focusing on. It's time to move beyond performative communication and level up our approach to truly make a difference. Each episode, we bring you incredible guests who will share their personal stories and professional approaches, offering valuable insights and strategies to help us all become conscious communicators. Get ready to take notes because every episode contains a powerful message that will create a shift in your perspective.

Language leads to behavior so it's time to step up, communicate like You Give a Damn, and build a vibrant community of conscious communicators.

About your host

Profile picture for Kim Clark

Kim Clark

Kim Clark (she/her) works with leaders and communicators who are serious about learning and applying Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to build strong teams and organizations.

She is the co-author of The Conscious Communicator: The fine art of not saying stupid sh*t, an Amazon #1 bestseller that features The DEPTH Model (TM). DEPTH is a strategic and proactive positional framework to guide organizations on DEI and social topics and messaging.

Her career spans documentary filmmaking, agency partnerships with the Discovery Channel, teaching at San Jose State University, and leading global internal communication teams at KLA, PayPal, GoDaddy, and GitHub. She is known for her ability to facilitate sensitive yet urgent conversations to make meaningful progress in creating inclusive workplaces.

She speaks at conferences, designs custom workshops, writes inclusive communications guides, and consults with leaders and companies on all things related to diversity, equity, and inclusion communications.